We knew the representatives of MOSS Boutique Hotel beforehand - they knew me as a clothing designer. Upon learning that I am now passionate about furniture and concrete, MOSS executives approached me with the idea of placing concrete supports for their printed materials in each room: the hotel menu, a map of Moscow, notebooks for visitors of the hotel, and so on.

Various options of solving the problem were proposed, and after a series of meetings, discussion of sketches and presentations, we ware ready for implementation.

To manufacture the product, we used modern 3D printing technology to create a master model, which we "tried on" to its rightful place in the hotel room and placed MOSS printed materials in the niches of the stand.
After manufacturing the form from polyurethane, we turned to the HARDKEA workshop for the realization of the product in concrete.

The concept set by the leaders of the MOSS Boutique Hotel was to create a concrete product similar in texture to natural stone. Therefore, the product was poured without vibrations and a large number of texture variations, open pores and bumps turned out in the end, which gave each stand in each room its own personality.
Each concrete stand has a soft backing, as well as branding with a jacquard label

NO DIPLOMA ARCHiTECTURE constructed by Gleb Kirenkov - the same label that we openly use in the premium clothing line NO DIPLOMA ARCHiTECTURE and secretly in the streetwear sub-brand - N.D.A. home studio